Thursday, May 11 is “Water’s Worth It Day” at the MA Statehouse. MAWEA will be there meeting with Representatives and Senators to lobby on behalf of wastewater facilities for project funding and PFAS related issues like land application of biosolids and the lack of biosolids management and disposal issues in Massachusetts.
MAWEA is following a Bill titled “An Act establishing a moratorium on the procurement of structures or activities generating PFAS emissions”. This is Senate Bill 2053 and House Bill 1795. This bill will put a halt on any new technology such as pyrolysis or established technologies such as incinerators.
Please contact your local Representative and Senator to let them know that Massachusetts need more biosolids management capacity – not less, and learn more about the key issues and actions requested.
This event is free for members of MAWEA.
Contact Mickey Nowak to learn more and register online.
Additional Details
Agenda for Thursday, May 11, 2023
9:00 – 11:45 AM: Briefing in the Great Hall, 2nd Floor, Massachusetts State House, followed by short meetings in legislative offices, based on where you live and vote.
11:45 AM – 1:30 PM: Public Water Systems Awards Day Lunch, Great Hall, 2nd Floor, Massachusetts State House
Before you Register, look up the names of your state legislators
Morning appointments will be scheduled for small groups of constituents based on where you live and vote in Massachusetts. Participants will need to provide the names of your State Senator and your State Representative.
Check for these names on the Legislature’s website: https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator
Enter your home address on the FindMyLegislator site, then press Search
Look for the names of your State Senator and your State Representative, shown on the page. Write those names down. Then register online and tell us their names.